世界遺産 宮島で最古の歴史をもつ寺院、真言宗御室派(総本山仁和寺)の大本山 大聖院。
宮島弥山山頂にある大聖院 不消霊火堂(きえずのれいかどう)では、大同元年(806年)、弘法大師 空海の焚いた護摩の火が1200年以上経った今も昼夜燃え続けています。
大聖院 座主の「消えずの火の灰が人々の癒しとなるように…」という想いから、対厳堂オリジナルキャンドルホルダーを制作しました。
2015年 ひろしまグッドデザイン賞 受賞
Daishō-in Temple - the oldest temple in the World Heritage Site of Miyajima. In 806CE, the buddhist priest Kobo Daishi (also known as Kukai) lit a flame in Daishō-in’s Reikado Hall near the summit of Mount Misen. The flame has burned continuously for over 1,200 years and continues to do so today. The water heated by this “eternal flame” is said to help all manner of illnesses.
We use the ash from this famous eternal flame to create our special ‘Eternal Flame Glaze’ for our ceramics. With the Daishō-in head priest’s wishes for Taigendo to use this ash from the eternal flame to “heal the hearts of many”, we decided to create an original candleholder.
厳島神社下の御砂を混ぜた宮島御砂焼に、大聖院 霊火堂の灰から作った「消えずの火灰釉」を掛けたキャンドルホルダーは、広島ならではの縁起物としてご結婚の引出物や御贈答品として人気です。
This eternal flame was used to light the famous ‘Flame of Peace’ in Hiroshima’s Peace Memorial Park. Also, the Reikado Hall that houses the flame is popular among lovers who see it as a metaphor for eternal love. It has been officially designated as a ‘Lover’s Sanctuary’ - one of 140 similar sites located throughout Japan.
Adding the Eternal Flame Glaze to our Miyajima osuna pottery using the sacred sand from Itsukushima Shrine, these candleholders unique to Hiroshima are popular as good luck gifts. They are especially popular as wedding gifts.